Frequently Asked Questions About YAPPI Full Scholarship Online

There are some common Frequently Asked Questions About YAPPI Full Scholarship that young interested candidates need to get answers to before applying for the YAPPI Animation scholarship. These are fully explained in this blog post for all students who are interested in the newly rolled-out scholarship program for young entrepreneurs and innovators who wish to learn new skills in 3D animations and how it works.
YAPPI also known as The Youth in Animation and Post-Production Initiative is fully sponsored and masterminded by the Del-York Creative Academy in conjunction and partnership with the MasterCard Foundations. In an increasing world of unemployment and low labour rates, most youths are left with much potential to roam the streets after they graduate from the higher institutes of learning and many certificates but are left with no job.
This is a golden opportunity for young innovative minds to venture into and grasp it with the full intention of gaining knowledge to improve the computer world. To meet the demand of this latest competitive job market and the generation, it is best that young people engage themselves in learning new skills such as these that the YAPPI is offering at hand.
Frequently Asked Questions About YAPPI Full Scholarship Online
These common Frequently Asked Questions About YAPPI Full Scholarship Online will help candidates who are interested in applying for the scholarship get satisfactory answers to their many questions. If you are not able to get any of your questions highlighted in this blog post, it is best that you write your burning questions as comments so that we can be able to update this blog post to satisfy our readers.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions About YAPPI Full Scholarship Online:
Who can apply for the programme?
The YAPPI Scholarship programme can be accessed by youngsters who are interested in 3D Animation skills and upgrade their skills in post-production and VFX. Youths from the age brackets of 18 – 35 can apply. They should also note that they should have basic knowledge of computers.
What is the structure of the programme?
The programme is a fully funded one which means that it is free. Students can submit their applications for review. The programme is a virtual programme that has been divided into two sections which are, 3 months will be dedicated for the virtual programme then another six months will now be for the intensive physical training where all the knowledge gathered from the virtual training will be put into practice.
How long does the programme last?
The programme is designed to run for three months just as has been mentioned in the previous question. In the space of three months, the students will participate in online training with the use of the latest 3D Animation tools to create and bring different ideas into reality. At the end of each module, students will be accessed with a classwork or assignment. The assessment and all other works on a module must be completed before a new module will be unlocked. These assessments are to check the understanding of the module by the YAPPI group before they are allowed to access a new module.
How much does the programme cost?
The programme as it is stated, is absolutely free and all registered students are allowed to participate in this programme at no cost. The program has been fully sponsored and covered by the Del-York Creative Academy in collaboration with the MasterCard Foundation. This program is aimed at empowering young minds in the use of 3D and afterwards helping show them how to bring their passion into monetization.
What software and applications do I need to participate in?
First, each student must have access to a working computer system (laptop) and have a basic knowledge of its use and application. These systems must also have access to internet facilities to enable them to access the program online. During the program, the required applications and software will be communicated to the students. They should also be aware that during the onsite training program in one of the YAPPI training institutes, all laptops and computer systems to be used will be made available and they are all sole properties of the YAPPI group.
What course will be taught during the online programme?
In the course of three months and the onsite training programme, the following courses will be taught to students who signify interest in them; 3D Production, Modelling, Post-Production, Visual Effects (VFX), Storyboarding, Storytelling, Character rigging, and Sound production.
Will there be any live sessions or workshops?
Yes, there will certainly be live sessions and workshops and they will take place on one of the social media platforms, Telegram. These sessions will allow the students to interact and ask questions that they were not able to ask in the course of the online session. To ensure an easier task for the coordinators of the event, each participant should download the Telegram app on their devices for easy access to the live sessions and workshop.
Do I need to attend classes at specific times?
No, the videos for the online classes have already been uploaded to the site. It is left to the discretion of the students to make their timetable and pace on how to complete the online session in the space of three months so that they can join the live session. The YAPPI group suggests that each student commit at least an hour a day or a week to the courses and the assessments so that they can be able to complete the threshold before three months.
How can I access the YAPPI online class material?
To access the YAPPI online class materials, each student must be registered and enrolled in the program. Once the student has been enrolled, you will receive your Student Registration number and other login credentials to access the learning tools and materials.
How will I submit my assignments or projects?
The online virtual learning site will provide the candidates with instructions to follow while submitting their assignments and assessments. The students might be asked to send their assignments using any of the submission portals that will be communicated to them. It will be noteworthy that students take clear guidelines provided for the submission of assignments.
What should I do when I face technical issues during online classes?
If you eventually encounter any technical issues in the course of the online lessons, you can do well to contact the YAPPI support team for quick response and assistance. Note that only issues related to technical support should be forwarded to this email. Any other mail should be directed to the right source.